Welcome to Ashok & Babali

Ashok & Babali make clothing that is easy on your body and easy on your mind, sustainable clothing means you are wearing clothing that has been produced using methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment and working with local tailors, we provide a safe and non-discriminatory work place with a living wage.

Your purchases benefit these individuals directly, their families and the wider communities.

Ashok & Babali is a cottage industry based in Rajasthan, India.

 Wearing our clothing means that you are supporting methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment, and working local tailors and artisans we provide safe, non-discriminatory employment with a living wage and your purchases benefit these individuals directly, their families and the wider communities.

As individuals and a business and we are passionate about making a positive difference to people's lives, the planet and nature we share, for the long term.
Your choice to wear our clothing means you are helping to make this difference.

Thank you,
Ashok & Babali